Privacy Policy

We are Krempelwood Ltd(CRN: 09676110) of 5 Broadbent Close, Highgate, London, United Kingdom, N6 5JW.

If you have any questions about this privacy notice, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact us at

How do we use your data?

  • Where we interact with you as a customer, supplier or on a co-producer basis we will collect your name, email address, employer name, telephone number and employment address to take steps to enter into a contract with you as well as perform our contractual obligations.

  • Where we interact with you as a customer, and you have not reached out directly we often receive your personal data from our co-producers and broadcast partners. Please do contact us at if you would like more information about this.

  • When you contact us either by phone, email, social media or via our contact us page we will usually collect your name, gender, contact details, social media handle and any other personal data that forms part of your message to us because it’s in our legitimate interest to make sure we can properly respond to your query.

  • Where you contact us with or we are contacted by a third party about potential collaboration opportunities, we will collect the same information in order to assess your suitability and to potentially take steps to enter into a contract with you.

  • When you sign up to receive our news updates, we will handle your personal information (such as your name and email address) to provide you with our news updates in line with any preferences you have told us about. If we contact you by email and you haven't opted-in, this is because we believe you will be interested in Krempelwood, and the lawful basis we rely on to do this is our legitimate interest to promote our business.

    You can unsubscribe from our updates at any time by responding to any email you receive from us to tell us you wish to unsubscribe or by emailing

  • When you attend one of our events or a third party event we also attend (including virtual events via video conferencing providers including Zoom), we will usually collect your name, address, email address and phone number. We collect this information at third party events because it is in our legitimate interest to promote our business and when you attend one of our events, we collect this information because it’s in our legitimate interests to know who’s attending our events.

  • When you apply for a job with us we may collect your name, contact details, recruitment information (e.g. right to work documentation and references), qualifications, accreditations and any additional information we may receive from our recruitment partners.

    We will use your personal information to assess your suitability for our available roles. We do this to perform our contractual obligations or to take steps at your request, before entering into a contract. Where we process your right to work documentation, we will do so to comply with our legal obligations.

  • If our business is sold. We process your personal information for this purpose because we have a legitimate interest to ensure our business can be continued by the buyer. If you object to our use of your personal information in this way, the buyer of our business may not be able to provide services to you.

Who do we share your data with?

  • Business partners, suppliers, group companies and subcontractors for the performance of the contract we enter into with them or you.

  • Promotional events and marketing organisations, we do not sell data for marketing purposes, but may share your data with an event organiser including where we run workshops with co-presenters. We will always tell you before (usually on the event registration form) and you will be given the chance to opt-out before we do this.

  • Regulators/ Authorities/ Enforcement Agencies if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our clients or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection.

  • Prospective buyers of our business under our legitimate interest to ensure our business can be continued by the buyer.

Where is my data stored?

We store your data in the United Kingdom.

Whenever we transfer your personal information outside of the UK and the EU, we ensure it receives additional protection as required by law. To keep this privacy policy as short and easy to understand as possible, we haven’t set out the specific circumstances when each of these protection measures are used. You can contact us at for more detail on this.

How long do we keep your data for?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as we need it unless we are required to keep it for longer to comply with our legal, accounting or regulatory requirements.

In some circumstances we may carefully anonymise your personal data and how our site is used, so that it can no longer be associated with you, and we may use this anonymised information indefinitely without notifying you. We use this anonymised information to analyse our business and improve it moving forward.

What are my rights under data protection laws?

You have various other rights under applicable data protection laws, including the right to:

  • access your personal data (also known as a “subject access request”);

  • correct incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you;

  • ask us to erase the personal data we hold about you;

  • ask us to restrict our handling of your personal data;

  • ask us to transfer your personal data to a third party;

  • object to how we are using your personal data; and

  • withdraw your consent to us handling your personal data.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with us or the Information Commissioner's Office, the supervisory authority for data protection issues in England and Wales. If you are based outside of England and Wales, you can find your relevant supervisory authority here.

Please keep in mind that privacy law is complicated, and these rights will not always be available to you all of the time.

Questions, comments and more detail

Your feedback and suggestions on this notice are welcome, please let us know by email at

This policy was last updated on 11 April 2022.